Francine Ronis


Francine Ronis

Connection is at the heart

Connection. Relationship. Love. This is what being human is about. And yet, it can be very difficult to feel connected and loved, especially in our busy society. We all stumble. Many of us lack role models for true connection, which requires intimacy, vulnerability, truth, and yes, pain and conflict. My initial years as a therapist focused on attachment between parents and children, but with expanding knowledge and experience, I’ve learned how much we need these same attachments and attunements as adults.

Joy and meaning come from leaning into vulnerability and intimacy with ourselves and others. As we learn how to be comfortable in the difficult times, we grow. In our work together, I can help you connect with your internal world and share with others in an authentic way. This is key to finding our way out of pain and suffering, especially depression, anxiety and addiction.

Supporting you on your journey

We all struggle sometimes. I have been there and bring my experience, compassion and empathy to our relationship to help you release old, unhelpful habits and patterns. I will work with you to dig deep and find the tools to transform the struggle. I use a systemic approach, and bring my knowledge of attachment, holistic therapies, DBT, emotionally focused therapy, somatic modalities, yoga and mindfulness to my practice.

Your child, teen and family

Being a kid can be hard. Being a parent is difficult as well. Knowing how to talk about the tough stuff is challenging, yet, within the communication is an opportunity to help children and teens learn to open up to their complex inner world and to share it with those they rely on. I utilize various modalities to help young people find an authentic way to express their struggles.

The family unit plays a critical role as young people learn to understand and express themselves. Long-term healing can occur most effectively when the family can assist in providing a safe haven for growth. For this reason my work with teens often involves working with parents. Parents can learn boundaries, limit setting and how to raise competent adults. If parents work along with their children to access a deeper emotional bond, change is faster and lasting. During the course of our work I offer support to parents in developing their attunement and intuition to better connect with children of any age.

In our initial session we discuss what treatment plan will be best for creating lasting connection, healing and change for you or your child.

My personal & professional background – 
Becoming a family therapist

My journey to healer has been life-long. I have stumbled along the way. I’ve learned to see that within the stumbles are the lessons. When we accept them we grow. In my down time, I enjoy spending time with my teenager, going to the beach, yoga, hiking, mountain biking, volunteering, fostering animals and trying new things. I love having authentic conversations.

And you? When will you begin the long journey into yourself?

— Rumi

I invite you to schedule a consultation with the link below. You may send me a message through the contact form and include my name in the subject line or call 571-213-9215.

Read my recent blog posts:

As Women, We are Stronger Together

7 Tips for Easing Holiday Stress


Francine Ronis has a Masters in Counseling and Development and a Masters in Early Childhood Education. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Virginia.